Warta Industri

Komposisi sistem pengapian


Ingsistem pengapianminangka bagean penting saka mesin bensin. Kinerja ingsistem pengapian has a great impact on the engine's power, fuel consumption and exhaust pollution. All the equipment that can generate electric spark between the two electrodes of the spark plug is called the engine "sistem pengapian". It is usually composed of batteries, generators, distributors, ignition coils and spark plugs.

Nalika mesin bensin dikompres cedhak karo tengah mati ing ndhuwur, campuran sing bisa diobong diobong dening busi, saengga pembakaran bisa digunakake kanthi eksternal. Amarga alasan iki, ruangan pembakaran mesin bensin dilengkapi busi. Fungsi sakasistem pengapianyaiku ngasilake spark kanthi periodik kanthi energi sing cekap ing antarane rong elektroda busi kasebut miturut urutan silinder sing digunakake.
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