Warta Industri

Peranan kopling

Mesthekake wiwitan mobil kanthi lancar
Iki minangka fungsi utama ingkopling. Sadurunge mobil diwiwiti, lumrahe kudu mateni mesin dhisik. Nalika mobil diwiwiti, mobil kanthi bertahap bakal nyepetake saka kahanan stasioner. Yen sepur drive (sing ngubungake kabeh mobil) wis disambungake kanthi kaku karo mesin, yen transmisi dipasang, mobil bakal tiba-tiba maju, nanging ora bakal diwiwiti. Iki amarga mobil duwe inersia gedhe nalika wiwit mandheg menyang stroke maju, sing nyebabake torsi seret gedhe ing mesin. Kanthi tumindak wayahe resistensi inersia iki, kacepetan mesin mudhun banget ing sangisore kacepetan stabil paling murah (umume 300-500RPM) sedhela, lan mesin mandheg lan ora bisa mlaku, mesthine mobil ora bisa urip.
Mula, kita butuh pitulung sakakopling. Sawise mesin dipateni lan sadurunge mobil diwiwiti, supire langsung mlaku ingkopling pedal to disengage the kopling to disengage the engine from the driveline, then put the transmission in gear, and then gradually release the kopling pedal to gradually engage the kopling. During the engagement process, the resistance torque received by the engine gradually increases, so the accelerator pedal should be stepped down gradually at the same time, that is, the fuel supply to the engine should be gradually increased, so that the engine speed is always maintained at the lowest stable speed without stalling. At the same time, due to the gradual increase in the tightness of the kopling engagement, the torque transmitted by the engine to the driving wheels through the driveline gradually increases. When the traction force is sufficient to overcome the starting resistance, the car starts to move from a standstill and gradually accelerates.

Entuk pangowahan lancar

Ing proses nyopir mobil, supaya bisa adaptasi karo kahanan nyopir sing beda, sistem transmisi asring kudu ngganti gir sing beda supaya bisa digunakake. Kanggo nyadari shift gir saka transmisi gir, umume pindah gir utawa mekanisme gearshift liyane kanggo nyurung sepasang gir gir asli saka transmisi, lan banjur nggawe pasangan gir gir liyane mlebu. Sadurunge ganti gir, ingkoplingpedal kudu depresi kanggo ngganggu transmisi daya kanggo nggampangake ngilangi pasangan meshing saka gir asli. Sanalika, kacepetan bagean meshing saka pasangan meshing gir anyar kanthi alon-alon cenderung diselarasake, saengga pengaruh nalika mlebu ing bolong bisa saya tambah. Dikurangi kanggo nggayuh lancar. 3. Nyegah sepur drive supaya ora kakehan beban.
Nalika mobil ing rem darurat, yen ora anakopling, the engine will be rigidly connected to the drive train and the speed will be drastically reduced. Therefore, all the moving parts will generate a large moment of inertia (its value may be much higher than that issued by the engine during normal operation). The maximum torque), which causes a load exceeding its carrying capacity to the drive train, and damages the mechanical parts. With the kopling, the possible relative movement between the driving part and the driven part of the kopling can be used to eliminate this danger. Therefore, we need a koplingkanggo matesi torsi maksimum drive drive supaya aman.
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