Biasane kita nuduhake kopling nuduhake model transmisi manual, nyatane uga anaSistem Kopling inside the automatic transmission, but its structure and working principle and this has a big difference. The Sistem Kopling is mainly composed of four parts: the active part, the driven part, the pressing part and the control mechanism. We usually say that the clutch belongs to the driven part. Its working principle is also very simple, is to rely on the principle of friction transfer engine power. When there is a gap between the driven disk and the flywheel, the flywheel can not drive the driven rotating, the clutch is in a state of separation; When the pressure force pushes the driven disc to the flywheel, the friction force of the flywheel surface to the driven disc surface drives the driven rotation, and the clutch is engaged. A diaphragm clutch is commonly used in cars today.
Proses kerja sakaSistem Koplingbisa dipérang dadi proses pamisahan lan proses keterlibatan. Ing proses pamisahan, pedal kopling ditekan, lan klambi gratis kopling pisanan diilangi ing stroke bebas, lan banjur reresahan pamisahan digawe ing stroke kerja, lan kopling dipisahake. Ing proses makarya, alon-alon ngeculake pedal kopling, plate tekanan maju ing sangisore aksi spring pressure, sing pertama ngilangi celah pamisahan, lan ing plate tekanan, disk drive lan flywheel digunakake tekanan tekanan ing permukaan sing cukup; Banjur bantalan pamisahan obah mundur ing ngisor musim semi, nggawe reresik gratis, lan kopling.Kesalahan umum ingSistem Koplingyaiku slip kopling, pemisahan kopling ora lengkap, swara kopling sing ora normal, goyang nalika diwiwiti, lsp. kesalahan kasebut kudu disebarSistem Koplingkanggo pangopènan. Umur layanan lan operasi sopir lan panggunaan pakulinan duwe hubungan sing apik, kesenjangan uga gedhe banget, sawetara bisa nindakake atusan ewu kilometer tanpa diganti, sawetara telung puluh rong puluh ewu kilometer ing panggantos kasebut, bisa uga diarani layanan kasebut umur kopling minangka level nyopir standar evaluasi.